Document Configuration and Change Management module screen


Document Configuration and Change Management

In the Space sector, a great deal of documentation is created and exchanged amongst the many actors, participating in any given project or mission.

Managing and maintaining a high level of document configuration, status accounting and control over such documentation (and its traffic and exchange) is a challenge that, if not properly addressed, can result in severe project issues and security risks and possibly even project failures.

Document Configuration and Change Management (DCCM) allows members of a project to create a document and its reference, applicability & status according to pre-defined user access rights and security rules. Project Managers are able to create collections from approved documents, which can be then submitted as a data pack from DCCM to the ECLIPSE Review Items of Discrepancy (eRID) module for space project reviews.

DCCM features

  • Customisable document metadata in accordance with the needs of a project or mission
  • Ability to automate the creation of document reference numbers according to specific project or departmental rules
  • Interfaces with other ECLIPSE Software modules (e.g. eRID, AIM)
  • Ability to bookmark documents for future reference
  • Ability for any user to perform a cross-project document search
  • Perform an XML import / export of a Technical Data Package File
  • Extensive reporting capabilities via customisable reports (DASH)
  • Perform fully traceable document reviews and approval cycles
  • Create actions in association to documents (e.g. Minutes of Meetings)
  • Document Configuration and Change Management provides folder-based document security access
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