Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research is using the ECLIPSE Suite software
09 Dec, 2021
Sapienza Consulting is excited to announce that the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research has signed a contract to supply the ECLIPSE software suite and its professional services for their numerous research projects.
The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research is a world-leading research facility that conducts research about our Solar System. They are located in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany. With 37 Nobel Prizes awarded to their scientists, they are widely regarded as one of the foremost basic research organisations in the world.
The Max Planck Institute has several departments that focus on multiple areas of Solar Research: Sun and Heliosphere, Planets and Comets, Solar and Stellar Interiors.
The Max Planck institute have contributed to several Space missions, namely to the ESA Solar Orbiter, ESA’JUICE to the Jovian system, BepiColombo to Mercury, Rosetta to comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko and ESA exoplanet hunting mission, PLATO.
The Max Planck will be using the eRISK, eNCTS, eRID and AIM modules of the ECLIPSE Suite.
How will these modules benefit Research institutions such as Max Planck?
Our software enables the RISK Management for Space Projects and Missions that their researches support. Space systems are inherently complex as they require new technologies and new designs which introduce increased risks. Not only do risk items have a negative effect on cost and schedule but, in Space projects, these can also have a drastic effect on the mission requirements such as the loss of scientific value due to malfunctions of on-board instruments or loss of public support if there are catastrophic failures. The ECLIPSE Risk Management (eRISK) module fully supports the specific Risk Management process needs of Space projects and missions. It allows recording, monitoring, assessing and resolving risks identified and associated with a complex engineering or scientific project. Read more
The eRID module from ECLIPSE Suite assists space project and mission teams through the preparation, set-up, management and control of formal project and mission reviews. The module provides the means for space project review participants to access deliverable data packs, contractual or technical baselines, as well as requirements documentation online.
Non-Conformance Tracking System
The ECLIPSE Non-Conformance Tracking System (eNCTS) module is the only commercially available ECSS (European Collaboration for Space Standardisation) compliant software that enables recording, monitoring and closure of Non-Conformances (NCs) found during the design, manufacture, assembly, integration and testing phases of space system engineering projects. eNCTS provides the Quality and Space Product Assurance functions with improved visibility into the status of Non-Conformances (NCs), as well as a structured approach to collecting and managing critical data associated with the Non-Conformances (NCs) resolution and product realisation process.
Learn more about eNCTS non-conformance tracking system
Our comprehensive software is compliant with the latest ECSS Standards which makes working in projects more seamless since integration with multiple parties is possible. It utilise the best practises and space industry experience.
Action Items tracking for dealing with technical issues and monitoring progress
Our Action Items (AIM module) allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute online to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure, in accordance with security permissions.
Each Action Item enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion which permits the provision of additional information (e.g. video, images or other file attachments).