ECLIPSE Software Suite Release 5.1
26 Feb, 2019
We are happy to announce the release of our ECLIPSE Software Suite version 5.1.
The new release offers many improvements which speed up the business processes execution. Starting with the Action Items Manager (AIM) module, it is now possible to add a response to the action when changing its status (Complete/Close/Cancel/Re-open) and additionally specify the Closed Date at its closure.
The e-mail integration to the Document Configuration and Change Management (DCCM) module registering messages and attachments as documents, has been expanded to the Database Application Builder (DAB) module. The e-mail messages along with their attachments can now be registered automatically as records in a DAB application simply by sending (or forwarding an email). With this function the ECLIPSE suite offers a trusted (and undeletable) repository for important e-mails containing records of agreements and any related attachment such as documents, images or any type of other type of file.
Document processing and configuration in DCCM has been improved by introducing the possibility to change the assigned Document Template of a document. This will enable Document Configuration Managers with the ability to correct a document metadata and template when an incorrect one is used, or in case a project configuration plan has changed.
We continue working on the newly introduced Project Control and Management (PCM) module. In this release, improvements were made to the Work Package search introducing Time Frame search which enables the managers to produce reports over delimited periods of time within a few clicks.
Our experts are available for a demonstration session which can be arranged for you and your users, providing a first glance of the latest ECLIPSE software suite features. Please feel free to contact us through the regular support e-mail address for your Organisation or the general support e-mail address: support@sapienzaconsulting.com.
To stay up-to-date with all the news you can also follow the ECLIPSE page on LinkedIn.