ECLIPSE Software Suite 4.3 Release
24 Aug, 2017
We are happy to announce that ECLIPSE software suite version 4.3 has been officially released on the 4th of August to all of our customers and users.
This exciting release offers new features and some changes to the following modules:
- Document Configuration and Change Management (DCCM)
- Review Items of Discrepancy (eRID)
- Non-Conformance Tracking System (eNCTS)
- Database Application Builder (DAB)
The key features of the ECLIPSE suite 4.3 release are:
- In DCCM the new secure Copyrighted Document function enables the sharing of licensed content. It gives the ability to prevent the downloading/printing of the document, and restricts the number of concurrent users that may view the secure PDF. In addition, the improved search results screen e.g. allows you to resize and rearrange columns. The Basket can now be used for relating documents or adding them to Collections.
- eRID now allows the import of RIDs from MS Excel file. In addition, user profiles and online statuses are added in myECLIPSE, and the user has the ability to inform others regarding the progress by sending an automatic email.
- The eNCTS module gives you the ability to customise and generate MS Word templates to create Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs). You can also create requests for Waiver/Deviation in the DAB module and relate them to NCRs. Additionally, importing NCTS is now handled in INTEX.
Find more details on the new features and further improvements on the ECLIPSE software suite by following the ECLIPSE page on LinkedIn to stay updated.
Would you like to know more about the ECLIPSE software suite? Request a demonstration now!