ECLIPSE Release v. 5.0
10 Sep, 2018
We are excited to announce the new version 5.0 of the ECLIPSE Suite released today (10-09-2018), introducing a new module – Project Control and Management (PCM).
PCM provides features for timekeeping, budget control, measurement and reporting that enable Project Managers and Project Controllers to have real-time overviews of budgets and resources spent across granular Work Packages (WP) or within the scope of the whole project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
Responding to an action or changing its status in AIM has never been easier than with the new mobile access version. Namely, the login screen and Edit Action screen have been customised for display on mobile devices.
An interesting new feature has been added to INTEX – an E-mail Connector enabling secure document creation in DCCM by simply sending an e-mail with the attached document to a dedicated e-mail address. The document is created in ECLIPSE according to the rules configured in the Document Template.
Processing large numbers of records in DAB is more efficient with the new Record Preview and Edit Context screen. Additionally, a major usability improvement has been introduced in the List All and Search Results screens. In these, a modal can be opened to view or edit a selected record, keeping the list of results always displayed on the left side. The navigation arrows within the modal enable quick navigation for making changes through all listed records, as well as moving back and forth through the results easily.
These features are described in more detail in the enclosed “ECLIPSE New Features and Improvements” document.
A demonstration session by our experts can be arranged for you and your User Community, providing a first glance of the latest ECLIPSE features. Please feel free to contact us through the regular support e-mail address for your Organisation or the general support e-mail address: support@sapienzaconsulting.com.
Training sessions can be arranged through the e-mail address: training@sapienzaconsulting.com.
The ECLIPSE Software Suite is the essential and proven software for managing space projects and programs
Get in contact today and discover how you can efficiently access documents, actions, non-conformances and other space project data with the ECLIPSE Software Suite